Saturday, September 13, 2008

Back In The Day (Pt. Three)...

Like I said, I wish I could just end the story where the last post left off. However, there are alot more juicy details that can be shared about this. Please take into consideration that I was only 17 years old during this time and that some may have handled it differently, but I had my own way of coping. Anyway, I called it off with Mark a week or so before my junior prom. And for some ungodly reason, he still took me, despite the crazy reaction my mom gave me when I told her we were still going together. But, like a good mother, she kept her mouth shut , took pictures and if I recall correctly, even brought him and I to the prom location.
The day that I had told him that I didn't want to be his girlfriend anymore, I was driving from his house to my house and I noticed a fly, tall, lightskin guy with braids at the corner of the street, where I was stopped at a red light. We exchanged glances and eventually words all before the light turned green again. I was somewhat upset about ending a relay that felt so comfortable, but I was ready for something new ( I was 17!!) I immediately called the number that I was given and I met up with 'Lightskin' like an hour later. He got me high and we talked for hours. That was when I realized that I had made a good decision in ending my previous relay. If I could just meet someone and have a better time with them than the person that I was spending everyday for seven months with...believe me - the lightbulb went off right there! 'Lightskin' and I became good friends after that and little did I know, but I would turn to him when some of the craziest bullshit in my life was going on. Even though I realized Mark was not the one for me, like I said, we still went to my junior prom together. That just so happened to be the absolute last day that I cared about who, what, when, where or why with Mark. And I think he must have eventually caught on that I wanted nothing to do with him, but instead of letting it go, he made things much worse by attempting to contact me in every way possible. I mean phone calls, letters, other people calling for him, emails, suprise visits, the whole nine. His trying to contact me got so out of hand that he actually came to my place of employment on a friday night to try to reconcile. I was the only one in the shop that I worked in, besides my boss that night that he came. Picture it being 10:30 pm or so on a friday in a shopping center where the only lights on are in the place you are working. A bit uncomfortable, but not terrible, right? WRONG. To make a long story short, I went to bring the garbage outside and he was there. Standing right next to my car. I remember dropping the garbage and running back inside. Someone driving past the shop I was working in saw Mark running to the other side of the building and called the police. By the time the authorities arrived, Mark was trying to slide himself underneath my car or trying to slide himself out from underneath my car. The cops arrested him and I had to follow him to the police station to make out a statement. I was scared, I couldn't believe that someone would be so crazy to do this. I just kept thinking, 'What did I do to deserve this?'

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