Friday, September 12, 2008

As I Sit...

As I sit at a friend's house on this rainy friday night, I can't help but to be thankful for the life God has given me. Even though I have been through plenty of hardships and have gotten to the point of where I wanted to quit, I have still maintained that faith to strive! I am currently going thru some bullshit right now that will only prove to make me a better and stronger person once I overcome. But I really wanted to take a moment, because I am feeling a bit sentimental- to shout out a few people who have truly made a difference in my life.
First and foremost, my Mother for blessing me with life and for the continuous love that you, without fail show me on a daily basis. Secondly, my first best friend, my Brother for showing me the true meaning of unconditional love. No matter how much arguing and disagreeing that we do, my love will be larger than the moon! Alison Lee, for always being there to make me smile..for always understanding and for always remembering where you came from. Love forever. Tabytha, for knowing me like your favorite book and for the constant support no matter if it's wrong or right. And last but definately not least, Jojo, for building me up when I was nothing, for forgiving my bullshit, and loving me no matter how many faults I may have.
Ok, so i'm offically done with the sappy shit. But I needed to get that off my chest. I'm sitting here with great friends, listening to great music and drinking my favorite wine - Yellow Tail!
And on the same note, and speaking of great music - please visit two links on this blog. One is BettaDenU page and the other is the Deniro page. If you are looking to listen to some ill music, please do not hesitate to view and listen! One thing about me is that I would NOT put some crazyness on here if I didn't believe in it or think it was the truth. Remember that!

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