Monday, September 15, 2008

Back In The Day ( Pt. Four)...

So i'm at the local police station filling out a statement against Mark, who just totally scared the hell out of me by coming to my place of employment and attempting to hide underneath my car. And despite me explaining that I wanted to having nothing to do with him, he was still in search of a way to see me, speak to me or just even feel my presence around him. It even got to the point where my mother and I were in a room at the station filling out the statement when my cell phone rings and IT'S HIM ON THE OTHER END. He was crazy enough to choose my telephone number as the phonecall that he got to make. Now honestly, who gets arrested and then calls the person that had them arrested inside the police station?
Call me cruel for not having any remorse for this situation, but it was more traumatic for me than most realize. Being 17 years old and having an ex boyfriend basically stalk you after you break up is not how I expected to live my life that year or for the next two years if you really want to get technical.
That night, after the whole situation was over, I called 'lightskin' and him and I spoke for awhile about what had just happened to me. He was comforting and that made me feel better than I thought that it would. He told me he'd call me the next day(AND he actually did!)
When I got that phonecall the next day, I was happier than a fucking kid in a candy store with unlimited funds. I met up with 'lighskin' and we smoked, he drank and we both shared good conversation(since the beginning of me knowing him). He told me that he was going out of town for the week and gave me his friend's number if I needed some herb. And that's how I met JJ...

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