Friday, October 31, 2008

I'll Admit That I Took My Vision For Granted..

On October 17, 2008 I was in a car accident that pretty much changed my life. Which is also the reason why I haven't been posting. So, I was in a car accident where the airbag deployed right in my face and temporarily took my vision in my left eye. Through two weeks of not being able to see out of one eye and numerous doctor's appointments and SURGERY two days ago - I am so proud to say that my vision is restored. It is still blurry, BUT I am able to see out of both of my eyes.

Before this accident, I hate to admit it, but like alot of other people, I was taking simple daily tasks and skills for granted. You think nothing of it to wake up in the morning and open your eyes and see. When something like what I went thru happens, you really take into perspective ALL of the things that you do on a daily basis that you don't even think twice about. I admit that I was taking my ability to open my eyes and see- for granted.

This experience has taught me to be more humble than I have ever been before and just to thank God everyday for the gifts that he has blessed me with. Not everyone wakes up and can see, not everyone wakes up to hear the sound of their alarm clock, and not everyone wakes up and actually gets out of bed on their own. I have learned more than ever to be greatful for the things I have and for my hearing, my sight and the ability to do things on my own.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Crown Frights ; I Mean Heights..

If any of you have been to Brooklyn, NY, you may know that there are good sections and bad sections - like any other town, city or state. Brooklyn though, can jump from good to bad or vice versa in one left turn. But I had a friend who moved there on a whim and I went to visit him a few times. This one time though, whatt! I was so glad that he was in the car with me, because I almost pissed myself.

We were driving down this road in Crown Heights and I ended up passing the next street that I was supposed to take. Two seconds later, this guy runs into the middle of the street yelling all types of bitches to this dude on the other side of the street. And just like that, shots started blaring past us. I had to pull over and we shielded ourselves.

In another instant, the both were gone and my boy and I were left, well more like I - was left shocked as all hell. I think I was only in Crown Heights one other time after that happened...and was never back since.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Video Of The Week II

I do not wanna take the shine away from JOBLAC and his track that I had originally picked for video of the week, but I must also share this video, since it's one of my favorite tracks known to existence...

Video Of The Week - Every Wednesday

My very first video of the week belongs to JOBLAC FROM STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT. The song is fire, the beat is off the hook, and it just so happens to be one of my favorite songs that his artist has out, to date. The track is called 'Long Live The Kid'. ENJOY!

Note: When choosing my video of the week, I take NOTHING into consideration at the time, except that it will always be a song that I'm feeling at that moment in time. It could be anything from Green Day to my favorite in history - Wu Tang Clan.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Back In The Day (Pt. Five)...

It was already a few days since Lightskin left for his vacation. I was with my best friend and we were driving around looking for something to get into. She suggested that we use the number that Lightskin gave us for the weed. I made the call from my cell phone, kinda nervous as to what I was getting myself into. A guy with a very deep voice answered the phone and gave me instructions to meet him in a certain area. And to both of our surprise, it was close to where we were driving around at. However, it was in the projects. Not a shithole projects with broken glass and crap out on the front yards, this was an ok project - looking like a community with the same types of houses lining the huge hill. We had to go all the way up to the top.

At the top of the hill, in the very last parking lot stood a black guy with short dreadlocks standing at what seemed like eight feet tall. That was JJ. He was wearing a white tee shirt and yellow basketball shorts with some Nikes that I never even knew were made in the United States. The yellow baseball hat he had on was pushed way down to just above his eyes. He was standing in the furthest corner of the parking lot with a clear plastic cup in his hand. I turned into the parking lot and pulled into one of the spaces close to him. I called him again to let him know I was there waiting. A few minutes later, my best friend and I saw him walking to the car. His swagger was incredible, he walked over like he couldn't be touched by anyone or anything. My friend unlocked his door so he could jump in the backseat behind her. The door opened and JJ jumped inside. He smelled like Hennessey and reefer and some good smelling cologne all in one. He asked us how many bags we wanted and took his money. His smile at the end of the transaction was intimidating , but I liked it in a strange way. His teeth were perfectly straight and white and I just knew from then, that I was going to be calling him the very next day- with or without my friend.

No Patience For Stupidity

I am a secretary at a very busy, multi attorney law firm. There are nine total attorney's and a slew of assistants, associates, bookkeepers and whatnot. Seventy-Five percent of the population here at work is of the Jewish faith. And as most may know, the past two days have been holidays for tthem. I am more than positive that the attorney's who were out previously notified clients about their absence.

With that said, I have had several, not a few, but several calls from clients that are demanding to speak with the attorney's that aren't even here. But that isn't even the worst part. The clients actually have the audacity to complain that their specific attorney is not in and want to know a reason. Let me explain that the place I live and even the surrounding areas have a very large Jewish population. Schools are closed for Jewish holidays, some offices are even closed during those times. If ANY of the clients that had called had children, they would have automatically been aware that it is a holiday. But No.

I explained to one client that the attorney he was looking for was out of the office until Thursday because he was observing the holiday. I directed him to the proper voicemail and he called back five minutes later and asked for that attorney's assistant( who is also Jewish with a VERY Jewish last name).

I tell ya, I have zero patience for stupidity...